Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get the Man right

One Saturday morning, a Minister could not think of a sermon to write. He simply could not get inspired. He stared out the window, the birds that splashing in bird bath. His mind was empty, as was the sheet of paper in his Office in writing.

Also had to write a sermon in difficult circumstances. The woman, who had left the arcade, with his son. Since it has been raining, the son was anxious and bored. In order to keep him occupied Minister tore a colorful world map out from a magazine.Then he shred the map into pieces. "If you can put together, "he said, scattering the pieces on the floor," I'll give you a quarter. "

Preacher thought will be occupied by his son with this game for some time.But, in a few minutes, he was the son of the study door. He handed completed map. all continents came together correctly.

"How did you so fast and so well?"

"As soon as I put the picture of the man on the other hand together.I figured if I am right man, the world would be correct, too. "

"Thanks for my sermon. Here."

"You said a quarter! is 10 dollars!"

"Ideas worth a lot more," was his father.

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