Friday, November 12, 2010

It is therefore inspired-reading life Story and priests read again by Robert Murray Mccheyne

There are sometimes when one reading your encounters spiritual gems and you have noted these words before long slide into oblivion. This was the famous Scottish preacher Robert Murray McCheye, who said, "the dark hour makes Jesus light". Served in Dundee, and died at the age of the Ministry only 29 but exercised and more powerful and influential.

What was it like returning to look at the life of Robert Murray McCheyne?When I came home from speaking and teaching in Kenya a year ago this week, there was an invitation to attend Conference for Pastors and Leaders; I was a member of this Group Conference for more than 30 years and our 230 met in early January in Crieff.

A guest contributor was to talk about the life and Ministry of Andrew Bonar. Which immediately drew my attention for various reasons. Andrew Bonar was a close friend and colleague Robert Murray McCheyne and andrew Bonar preached and taught at Collace which is just outside Perth in Central Scotland.

When I was a student at the University of Edinburgh divinity I used to be called upon to conduct services of worship and preaching in Collace and so the link, it was clear and attractive.At that time, distance back to the mid-1960 's, it was an honour to be invited to lead other prayer and preach the word of God when Andrew Bonar and Robert Murray McCheyne is used for the Minister.

And, now, here was a man who knew the lives of these two men closely, and who was our open to various aspects of their lives. I must say that I am disappointed that was inspiring.

Will soon be again January and that very special new year's Conference takes place again in Crieff. to have engaged in this very closely the principle is a privilege. These Pastors and leaders are almost all so much younger than me but few of us already from the very beginning still attend.

There are cases when a call comes in and just sounds different. deny these important moments of your pass.We miss him very much if we neglect these opportunities.

But let me encourage you to read the life and works of Robert Murray McCheyne and then go and read the prospectus and moving calendar Andrew Bonar.I do not think it will become disillusioned. these men of God did not disappoint.Have something vital to share and to say to us that we must be guided in this present world conditions.

It is good, in the light of which should remember that there are only two days on my calendar?today and the day of judgment. What a salutary thought!

Can you pay for the book that contains the Gospel and the Church or chapel is preached, and even for the Minister, who supported you, but the Gospel itself is as free as the light that shines like rain and dew falling from above, as in air inhaling your and other blessings of God.

If the service of God deserves nothing deserves everything We find ourselves better. remuneration in the work of the Lord if done with determination diligence. Labor is not in vain in the Lord, and the psalmist, I know and certainly knew that excessively; Bathroom yourself the richness of the Psalms.

The Evangelist who never supported for eternity is great about numbers. isn't apt to converts many hundreds where no restitution, confession and not happy cry that proclaims, "the loss is found, the dead are alive again!»

We have been told by those who know what we are talking about and will say without hesitation that the most urgently needed by the Christian Church sermon and today it is true, as is the biggest and most urgent need in the Church, it is obvious that the greatest need of the world as well.

If only Leaders ' summits and conferences understands this fact. these Prime Ministers and foreign secretaries and Presidents and Chancellors could benefit so much.

Sandy Shaw

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