Sunday, October 31, 2010

Methods for sermon without notes

How do? We have all seen the Ministers sermon without notes. Seem to indicate an action and trust. But the question many preacher of ask is how do?

There are many ways to the sermon without minimum reference notes. among these are:

  1. Write a complete manuscript and memorize this

Here preacher should totally write the sermon normally and then try to memorize the whole thing; this approach allows the preacher to specify full words to be used with the sermon, but allows a slide to go to reality with the flow of the event.  The main disadvantage is that it requires much more memory and a Herald of longer than they have to undertake a complete manuscript for memory. 

  2. Write an outline of some kind and memorize it.

  Here you must write the Herald of a structure and to memorize the border.The benefits include the ability to fully engage your audience and provides greater flexibility than the previous approach also requires much less time memorization from memorizing complete manuscript.  A major drawback is that this approach makes it impossible for well-designed phrases.Preacher memorizes what he will say how he would not say that.

3. Write parts of the sermon and memorize them.Outline of the other parties.

Some write import and memorize and/or this conclusion.Here you can you can totally phrase important parts of the sermon. you can get benefit of crafting fully portions of the sermon, but you can also maintain the ability to interact with the Assembly.

4. Memorize anything

Some people think that this is what everyone who preaches without notes. There are some who do this, but there are some significant disadvantages, a preacher is that can easily go rambling without moving to a point. While it is true that often preacher who follows this approach has one main point in mind, it is very easy to end up with a sermon that aren't sharp. However allows greater interaction with the Assembly.

These are the basic approaches. Choose an approach and then simply practice until you can obtain facility with the approach.

How can Whoop as traditional black preachers

Many people contact me wants a step-by-step method to learn to whoop, here is the outline of a method.

1. listen to other Whoopers
The first thing one should do if you want to learn how to whoop is listen to other whoopers. Just like if you want to learn how to play jazz, you need to listen to others who are doing well. Please note that there are different levels of the hearing. The first layer is simply for enjoyment. Here just listen for things you enjoy, or "floor" at some level. Another level of hearing is however critical analysis. We ask you to understand what is happening. Listen to the whooper tries to hear the pitch changes. When the whooper change in pitch. When the whooper change the volume? Does the whooper only loud at the end? Get whooper loud and soft? Another issue one perhaps heard about is a sequence of many.Doing the whooper using a sequence (sometimes called a riff in music); what about pace? Alter the whooper underlying pace?

Along with the critical analysis, the funds should have listened to whooper a wide variety of whoopers.Listen to the traditional c. l. Franklin, Caeser Clark and Jerry Black.Listen to Harvard Whooper. listen to the young whoopers as Marcus Cosby or Rudoloph Mckissick Jr. and hear the whoopers having a completely their own styles as Leory Elliot. Listening to a wide variety of whoopers will help you find who you are as a whooper.

2. Sing
The next thing to do is sing.There is a link between song and whooping. listen to Jerry Black as he sings and then listen to how he whoops. There is a link. Now you might not ever sing a solo, but need to sing as a member of the Assembly and as you go along. Sing Sing spirituals, the great hymns of the Christian faith and gospel singing songs. Sing Andre ' Crouch and Fanny Crosby.

The important thing is that it has much in common with whooping song.Listen to a great prize master and Gospel singer.You'll find that both can use voice dynamics. going from loud soft and vice versa, and both can use rhythmic changes. The acceleration or deceleration as required. both make great use of timing. Both improvisation. Etc. Listen great preachers and singers and singing.

3. practice
Finally, you want to practice.Don't go the Pulpit without having practical whooping. Personally, I think we need to practice more preachers. When I used to play the Trumpet, I will be practicing in 30 min-hour a day just practicing play maybe stronger must spend 30 minutes to an hour a day when practicing their presentation skills. Anyway, if you can whoop, you probably will have to practice this.Practice in your car, practice in your shower.Jasper Williams noted that many have learned to whoop at the sitting on the toilet.Want to practice.As you practice must listen critically to yourself. Jasper Williams notes that when it sounds good you're ready to use.

4. Integrate your sermons Whooping in
Finally, we should look for opportunities to integrate "whooping" in our sermon.Without forcing, slowly put some moysikotita in your sermon.Add fast how to say some things Clearly hit a Note ... When sermon. Do Not force it; all are forcing you to practice room, but when you get in front of the Synaxis, just preach and let's get started.

5. Whoop with integrity
I beg you to succumb to the temptation to use whooping to cover the lack of preparation; perhaps not everyone heard whoopers obviously haven't done the preparation necessary to teach an efficient sermon for the people of God; then they championed start simply whooping and the world goes wild. However, during the week when pain and trouble coming people haven't been given the tools to tackle the world because preacher decided to serve katakathimatwn and then try to put cream over it; we have been invited to give a stronger word is needed, a sweet whoop does not absolve us of that duty. If you whoop whoop with integrity, please!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Storms & questions (the sermon on point 4: 35-41)

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I'm conscious this morning that we've had another baptism, which is wonderful, but I do get the feeling sometimes that when parents bring a child to baptism they are sort of quietly hoping that the experience might have a soothing effect on the child. After all, isn't that part of what good religion is all about - helping people get civilized.

I remember hearing of a conversation between a couple in an airport lounge whose wild and unruly son was racing around causing havoc with the other waiting passengers. The husband said to his wife, "Maybe we should send him to Sunday School". Getting a bit of religion into him would be bound to make him a little more easy-going. Again, isn't that a large part of what religion is about - settling things down?

Well ... if the air of holy chaos here didn't put an end to that idea the moment you walked in this morning, the Bible readings we had should have! We read of David cutting off Goliath's head - engaging in what I saw one preacher term 'sacred violence' (something we've surely seen enough of that in our world).

After that we had St Paul speaking of the beatings he'd taken, and the imprisonments and riots he'd been involved in. And then we capped off our Bible readings with a crazy story about Jesus and his disciples in a storm - a story of pain and panic, fear and frustration, chaos and confusion!

And I find it to be quite a disturbing story - this story of Jesus and His friends getting into a boat and then this sudden transition from a peaceful voyage across the lake to this terrible scene of impending death.

I'm influenced of course by my own unease with the sea, and by my experience many years ago, when my birthday party at Lane Cover River National Park suddenly turned very dark very quickly as my three-year-old daughter suddenly became trapped under a capsized boat that started sinking towards the bottom of the river.

And that's how these things happen. One moment you're happily gliding along through life and then suddenly everything gets turned upside-down and the waves are coming crashing inside the boat from you don't know where!

These things are often so difficult to make sense of. Mind you, in the case of the Gospel story the whole scene is difficult to make sense of. How did the storm come up so quickly? Why weren't the crew able to steer away from it? And indeed, why weren't these men better prepared to deal with a storm. After all, they were supposed to be career sea-people, weren't they?

Of course, the competence of Jesus' disciples in their initial careers as fishermen is always a bit of a mystery. How is it that every time we see these guys in a boat they are either sinking or sitting there frustrated because they can't work out where the fish are! Thank God Jesus saw other employment opportunities for these men.

Mind you, the whole scene is weird, and not just the disciples! The way the storm comes up so quickly, the way they fail to deal with it, the way they fail to handle Jesus properly - all very odd. But the weirdest part of the story of all, I think, is the way in which Jesus stays asleep through the storm!

I've tried to envisage what sort of boat this must have been, such that Jesus could have remained asleep in it through the bulk of the passage of the storm! I think the boat is often depicted as a small dingy of sorts, but it's impossible to imagine anywhere in a boat like that where one could sleep during a storm without being deluged with water after the first few rough waves, and I can't imagine that it is possible to stay asleep while someone is pouring water all over you!

It had to be a bigger boat, I think to myself, yet even on a luxury liner like the Titanic, you would reach a certain point, would you not, where it was no longer possible to sleep through the crisis! Are we supposed to see this as part of the miracle - Jesus demonstrating the power of divine sleep - a sleep such as that which came upon Sleeping Beauty, a sleep from which no human power could awaken you?

I don't know. I'm a heavy sleeper, and yet it seems to me that there are certain things you just can't sleep through. A car accident would be a one. I can't imagine waking up and saying, 'Oh, the car is upside-down, and half-full of water! Did I miss something?' Your boat going down with all hands on deck would be a second!

How is it that Jesus remained asleep for so long?

Could it be that he was actually awake the whole time, but was testing his friends to see how they would handle it? That's possible, but it seems so unlike Jesus to have fun at other people's expense - one eye half-open, pretending to be asleep and quietly chuckling to Himself, while his friends race around in a blind panic.

Of course the weirdness doesn't stop there, does it? If how Jesus manages to rest during the storm is an issue, how He manages to put the storm itself to rest is a bigger issue.

In none of the Gospel accounts are we given any real details concerning exactly how it all happened. It seems he just shouted 'shut up' to the storm, and it did!

The parallels with the story of Jonah are hard to avoid of course. There the boat was also going down, all hands on deck, you will remember, until they hurled Jonah into the water.

There it's like some terrible offering to the storm god, who, once it received the body of Jonah, calms down completely. No bodies in the water in the Gospel story of course, but it seems that the transition from complete chaos to absolute calm is equally striking.

The other weird thing in this story is how Jesus seems to resent being woken! When they eventually do manage to rouse Him, we are told, He rebukes the wind and the waves, and then He turns and rebukes them: "Oh ye of little faith!" Should they have let Him sleep? Is that what we learn from this story?

If so, it's a funny sort of lesson for the Christian life. We've always been taught that if we are in trouble we should call upon Jesus, whereas if you follow this line of thinking you might think it best to tackle the problems on your own. After all, Jesus needs His sleep!

Of course I don't think that's the real lesson we're supposed to glean from this passage and I don't think that the reason the disciples get told off is because they wake Jesus. The reason that Jesus tells the disciples off is, presumably, because they give in to fear, and because they let fear control their responses and their relationship with Him instead of faith.

There is a contrast being drawn here between fear and faith. Both involve looking to Jesus and calling on him for help, but one comes out of a relationship of trust, and one comes out of distrust.

And so, as Fosdick put it:

- Fear imprisons, faith liberates

- fear paralyzes, faith empowers

- fear disheartens, faith encourages

- fear sickens, faith heals

Fear not!, says Jesus. Oh ye of little faith! And if there is a simple lesson to get from this story, it is this: that though the storm might look menacing, Jesus has the power to calm and to heal, Fear not! Have faith!

Indeed, historically this has been the message that the church has taken from this story, as this story has always been drawn upon as an archetypal story of what it means to be a member of the church.

One of the earliest symbols of the church, adopted by the early Christians, was a simple drawing of a boat with a cross for a mast. Likewise, in early times Christians starting calling that part of the church building where the congregation sits 'the nave', from the Latin word 'navis', meaning 'boat'.

This image of the disciples huddled together in a boat, tossed around by the stormy sea - that's us! We are small, fragile, and our craft does not look overly sea-worthy, but instead of being moored safely to some dock, our little ship that is venturing out into the deep, with only faith to keep it afloat!

The winds are blowing and the waves are rumbling and water is spilling in over the bow, but Jesus is with us! It might not always be obvious that Jesus is with us. Sometimes we might wonder, if Jesus is with us, what is He doing at the moment? Is He asleep? But then we hear His voice, "fear not, oh ye of little faith!"

It's a tricky image, of course, as it leaves a lot of questions unanswered:

- Why is it that Jesus so often seems to be asleep?

- Why doesn't He seem to wait so long before calming the wind and the waves?

- And why did He steer us into this storm in the first place! For we note that in the Gospel story (as in so much of life) it is Jesus Himself who points the boat towards the storm!

And the truth is that we don't know the answer to all these questions, as indeed there are lots of questions we don't have the answer to. And, notably, we haven't even looked at the biggest question that comes out of this passage, which is the question that the disciples themselves ask, namely, "who is this guy, Jesus, such that the winds and the waves obey Him?"

And there's no answer given here to that question either of course, but we do pick up from this story that whoever Jesus, He is a good person to have alongside you if you are in a storm.

And perhaps that's the basic perception which leads us to bring our children to baptism. Perhaps we're not sure exactly what we are getting ourselves into when we join the church or exactly who this guy Jesus is, but we know that He is the one we want alongside us and alongside our families as we traverse the storms of life.

We don't pretend to fully understand Him, but we know that He is someone who can be trusted.

We don't understand why where exactly He is taking us, but we sense that He knows where we need to go.

We can't make sense of why He keeps steering us into the storm, but we know too that He is also the one who can calm the storm and bring us to a brighter day.

The fuzzy lyrics

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Who is a Christian?

A Christian is an individual that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Son of God. One who believes the Bible as the word of God, and believes that it is entire, and lacking nothing. This message is not on homosexuality, nor about any one person, its about what to believe, and what to reject. The Bible is true, and our guide from this life to the next.

Many in these end days consider themselves as Christians, but deny the Lord that gives light to the world. They pick and choose what to believe in, and what they affirm to be true. There are no obscure verses in the Bible, that many claim. The Old Testament does not contradict the New. What was written in the old was a schoolmaster for all, to teach man, who God is, and His requirements for the lifestyle that is acceptable with Him.

Can Jesus deny what God had already written to be true, and acceptable? No, for Christ and God are.

We see controversy in the Bible, not from the word but from mans interpretation. When men try to prove that they are acceptable to all manner of lifestyles, they use some scriptures to contradict others.

In other words they try to make one verse deny another, there-by making all manner of lifestyles acceptable.

They say that Jesus in one verse contradicts what God had said in another. This is deception and a compounding of lies. Why do they do this? To get all men to accept them as a holy man, or a man of some prominence. As it is written; 'When a man thinks he is something, he is nothing."

Quote; "he believes the Sermon on the Mount justifies his support for legal recognition of same-sex unions." Unquote. From NewsMax .com

For an example, this is a verse, that a prominent man stated was, "an obscure verse; and Jesus accepted this idea of life.

"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." (Rom 1:25-27)

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.(Lev 18:22-23)

Where is the contradiction between these two sets of verses?(Lev 18:22-23)(Rom 1:25-27)

Does not the one compliment the other?

Can you find anywhere in scripture where Jesus contradicted God, or His commandments? Not even with the sermon on the mount. The problem lyes here; "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1Co 2:14)

Many believe that they can interpret the Bible without the aid of the Holy Spirit. They deceive themselves, going after the acceptance of man instead of, the acceptance of the Lord God.

"For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.

Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God." (Lev 18:29-30)

If God has condemned theft, homosexuality, murder, or any other sin, in the Old, how could God deny His own word in the New?

These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. (Jude 1:16)

"admiration because of advantage"; Barnes states of these things; The sense is that of repining or complaining under the allotments of Providence, or finding fault with God's plans, and purposes, and doings.

Complainers - Literally, finding fault with one's own lot.

The word does not elsewhere occur in the New Testament; the thing often occurs in this world. Nothing is more common than for men to complain of their lot; to think that it is hard; to compare theirs with that of others, and to blame God for not having made their circumstances different.

The poor complain that they are not rich like others; the sick that they are not well; the enslaved that they are not free; the bereaved that they are deprived of friends; the ugly that they are not beautiful; those in humble life that their lot was not cast among the great and the frivolous. The virtue that is opposed to this is "contentment" - a virtue of inestimable value.

Walking after their own lusts - Giving unlimited indulgence to their appetites and passions.

Having men's persons in admiration - Showing great respect to certain persons, particularly the rich and the great. The idea is, that they were not "just" in the esteem which they had for others, or that they did not appreciate them according to their real worth, but paid special attention to one class in order to promote their selfish ends.

Because of advantage - Because they hoped to derive some benefit to themselves.

This last part is what God warns us about in these end days. "Because they hoped to derive some benefit to themselves."

Men, especially the anti-Christ, will state many things to get the populace to trust in them, and to give them advantage over many things of the flesh. The laws of the land will be used to control many and will destroy mankind in the end. This is the advantage of any to deceive as many as they can to gain power over all.

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. (2Pe 2:1-3)

Covetousness; A strong or inordinate desire of obtaining and possessing some supposed good; usually in a bad sense, and applied to an inordinate desire of wealth or avarice.

Feigned words; Invented; devised; imagined; assumed, artificial.

Pernicious ways; Opposite; opposing; acting in a contrary direction.

False prophets; An attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real. One who has forsaken the church, sect or profession to which he before adhered. In its original sense, applied to one who has abandoned his religion.

Damnable; In a low or ludicrous sense, odious, detestable, or pernicious.

Heresies; That may be damned or condemned; deserving damnation; worthy of eternal punishment.

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. (Dan 7:25)

To change not only the law of the land but the laws of the Lord God. A deceiver, and a great deception. Who is a Christian? One who believes the Bible as the word of God, and believes that it is entire, and lacking nothing. We will accept no other doctrine except the one that was delivered unto us by the Lord Jesus Christ. Ars.

Friday, October 29, 2010

HEAVEN-the sermon on John 21

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Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.

It's about time I preached on 'heaven'. The number of friends and family who have been heading in that direction lately make it a pertinent subject for me personally. Besides that, I've just realised that I've never preached on the subject of 'heaven' before in my life!

I think I know why I haven't preached on it before. I don't like the term! It's one of those words like 'holy' that really rubs me up the wrong way, and for the same reason. It's been so often abused and used to mean something that it's not, that I avoid using the term altogether.

What does 'heaven' mean to you? What is it? Where is it? Are you in a hurry to get there?

My 3-year-old daughter Imogen has worked it out. She's realised that heaven is in a box. We made clear to her that Grandpa has now gone to heaven, and she saw that we put him in a box, so she's put 2 and 2 together and realised that heaven is somewhere in that box.

My grandmother, it seems, is also dying at the moment, and it's been interesting to hear something of her understanding of heaven. She's been saying how she's looking forward to seeing her daughters again (my mum and Aunt Helen) and she's looking forward to seeing her husband again (which surprised me) AND that she's looking forward to being the first person to see her grand-daughter Sarah's new baby. You see, my cousin Sarah is pregnant, and not due until November, but Grandma has worked out that if she dies now, she'll get to pass the new baby, who'll be on his way down while she is on her way up!

What does 'heaven' mean to you? What exactly does it look like? Where exactly is it?

Back in the days when I used to do 'street witnessing', there was one group that I hung around with who used to communicate chiefly by handing out pictures of heaven. They were pictures of beautiful landscapes with waterfalls and ocean views and people flying around without clothes on (though this was quite tastefully done). The idea was that we would give out these pictures, and explain to people what a great place heaven was - how you got to fly, explore new planets, and have sex with a variety of people - and then, when the person expressed an interest in going there, we could turn over the picture and reveal a little prayer. Once it was prayed, their ticket to heaven was assured! We were quite successful.

Today's reading from Revelation is a vision of 'heaven':

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.

The one clear detail we're given here about 'heaven' is that there is no sea, which is quite at odds with the pictures I used to hand around. Mind you, in our ecological system, if there's no sea then there are no clouds, and while many people might be able to imagine a 'heaven' without a sea, I can't see many people accepting the concept of a heaven without clouds!

You see the problem here - the word 'heaven' means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, though there are certain elements that are common in our culture (broadly speaking). The presence of clouds and harps and angels with wings are standard components of the common perception of heaven. Others envisage heaven as something like one endless church service. Others envisage hell as something like one endless church service.

Most people, Christian and non-Christian alike, envisage heaven as some sort of 'parallel universe' that exists alongside the one we normally experience, so that when a person dies, they move from one dimension to the other, and so live on in heaven, the parallel universe.

I want to answer some basic questions on heaven today: 'what is it?', 'where is it?' and 'how do I get there?', and I want to focus on this verse in Revelation - where 'the sea is no more'.

Why would the people of Israel envisage heaven as being without a sea?

1. The Jews were a people who hated the sea

This is the truth of course. Read through your OT and you'll see countless stories of the great armies of Israel. You'll never read any stories about its navy, because it never had one.

The Jews did not like the sea. They were not a coastal people. The Philistines were the people of the coast. The Jews lived further inland. They didn't go for seaside holidays by the coast on their summer breaks, and they didn't get into boats unless they had to.

That's why the story of Jonah and the boat and the big fish is such a drama for the people of Israel. It was every Jews' worse nightmare being caught in a boat in a storm at sea.

2. God formed creation out of the sea.

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while the Spirit of God swept over the face of the waters.

This is the uncreated mass (the 'tohu wabohu'), as envisaged before the work of creation. God moulds land and life out of the dark and mysterious 'formless void' of water.

In the Hebrew mind, God pushes the water back to reveal land, and he holds it back so that people might be able to live (except in the days of Noah, when he deliberately let the waters move back, with all the resulting death and chaos).

That's why when God parts the waters of the Red Sea so that Moses and his people can cross to dry land, it's seen as a miniature reenactment of creation - or rather an extension of God's creative work - holding back the waters and so giving life.

3. The Sea symbolises all that is dark and chaotic.

In the Hebrew mind, the sea is symbolic of all that is dark and chaotic in human experience. And I can sympathise with that.

There was a time when I used to think of the sea as my friend - when I used to be part of a rowing crew, used to swim regularly, and used to be out on the water or in the water on almost a daily basis. Those days ended for me when we had a boating accident only a few years ago where Veronica was almost drowned.

There we were, celebrating my birthday, paddling happily around in boats in the Lane Cover River National Park. One minute we're all laughing and joking around. A few seconds later one of the boats has turned over, Veronica is trapped underneath it, and it's dragging her down to the bottom. Next second I'm in the water, pulling Veronica down and out from under the sinking boat, and then realising that, in my boots and leather jacket, that I'm having trouble staying afloat too! We all survived, though my mobile phone was never quite the same again. But the other thing I lost that day was my love of the sea.

Indeed, I learnt later that lots of people have been killed on that idyllic little river. There were weeds and things at the bottom of that little river that could tie you up and kill you.

I came that day to appreciate the Hebrew perception of the sea - quiet and placid perhaps on the outside, but beneath the surface there were dark and mysterious things lurking - things that would kill you if they could.

And if you've seen any of the documentary-type films on the undersea world, you know that this is true. Everything appears calm and beautiful to the casual observer, but there's really a constant war going on down there, where almost every creature there is dedicating itself to the work of killing and eating the other creatures there.

And so, to the Hebrew mind, the sea comes to symbolise all that is dark and chaotic, all that is mysterious and life-destroying.

Deep calls to deep at the thunder of your cataracts;

all your waves and your billows have gone over me.

Says the psalmist (Psalm 42) - and we know that feeling. That feeling like we're 'going down for the third time'. That feeling of being overwhelmed by circumstances beyond our control so that we find ourselves sinking, splashing, waving.

Ange and I went to court on Friday, and we were struggling to stay afloat in that environment - treading water madly in the middle of a sea of sharks. And like the sea, it was one of those environments that all looked very peaceful and well-ordered on the outside, but there were some dark and mysterious things going on in there.

For some of us, perhaps, all of life is like a furious struggle to keep your head above water?

Well, if that's you, you're tapping into a struggle that has been going on since the beginning of creation. In the beginning, Genesis tells us, when God created the heavens and the earth, He took this dark and mysterious 'tohu wabohu', this formless void of sea, and He started to order it, to tame it, to bring life and light out its dark and mysterious depths. And the story of the Bible is that the battle against these deep forces of chaos goes on.

And so when the book of Job deals with the pain of unjust suffering, it speaks of God as the master of the monsters of the deep - Leviathan and Behemoth.

And so when the prophet Isaiah looks forward to God's coming, he speaks of the day when God will come down and kill the great dragon of the sea.

And so when we see Jesus walking upon the water, we know that God must be in him, for He is continuing this work of mastering the deep.

And so when Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee, we can understand why people stare at

him in amazement - 'who is this guy, even the sea obeys him?'

And so, when John in Revelation speaks of the coming of the Kingdom - of the final day when all will be wrapped up in a final act of grace - he speaks of the sea being 'no more', for all that is dark and chaotic has gone, and those of us who have been furiously paddling our little boats around over great depths will find ourselves all of a sudden secure on dry land.

And so heaven is a place without water, or at least without large bodies of water.

I said that I was going to attempt to answer three questions about 'heaven': 'what is it?' 'where is it?' and 'how do I get there?' You might feel that I've responded to none of these three questions yet.

The problem is that the term 'heaven' can mean a number of things in the Bible.

1. It can mean that dimension of reality where God dwells and where we do not dwell.

2. The coming of 'heaven', or 'the Kingdom of heaven' can be used to refer to the whole historical event that is envisaged in Revelation 21 -where God finally overcomes all the forces of chaos and darkness and institutes His rule. This event is normally referred to as the coming of the Kingdom of God. In Matthew's gospel, Matthew does not like to use the name of God, so he refers to the Kingdom as the Kingdom of Heaven.

3. The term 'heaven' can just another word for 'sky'.

When God created the 'heavens and the earth', it doesn't mean that he created two separate parallel universes, but that He created two dimensions to our universe - namely, land and sky. Likewise, in Revelation 21, when John speaks of a 'new heaven and new earth', it's clear there that the term 'heaven' is just another word for 'sky'.

That's a very common way in which the word is used in the Bible. Perhaps that is why the Bible never says of anyone that they 'died and went to heaven'.

St Paul certainly believed that nothing could separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, including life and death. And he said of his own death that 'to be out of the body is to be with the Lord'. Even so, no Biblical writers ever use the term 'going to heaven' as a way of referring to what happens to people when they die.

Now the historic Christian hope - the 'hope of Heaven' - is a hope for 'heaven' in the 2nd sense of the word - ie. it is a hope for the final coming of the Kingdom.

If we understand 'heaven' in this way, then to ask 'where is heaven?' and 'how do I get there?' becomes a bit like asking 'where is the end of the war and how do I get there?' We might say in response to that question 'the end is in sight - that since the death and resurrection of Jesus, the end of the battle has been in sight'.

The key point I want to make is that the Christian hope is not that I get to go to heaven when I die. The Christian hope is for a new heaven and a new earth, where the old things have passed away and where death and dying and pain and corruption and all that is symbolised by the wild and raging sea has been tamed or destroyed and where 'the earth is as full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.'

Maybe you don't see much difference here? I see a difference here.

The Christian hope is not just about me making it to heaven and you making it to heaven. It's about this world making it, to the point where God is all in all.

The Christian hope is not simply that we as individuals might be able to cheat death and go on living, but rather that the world as we know it might be transformed into the world as God envisaged it, and that we might enjoy life on this planet in the way in which it was intended.

This means that life, for the Christian man or woman, is not some test wherein if we pass we get to escape from this life into a better life. Rather it is a war in which we have been ordered to enlist - a battle that has been raging since the beginning of creation, a battle against the forces of chaos and darkness, a battle which Revelation 21 tells us we will surely see won.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,

See, the home of God is among mortals.

He will dwell with them;

they will be his peoples,

and God himself will be with them;

he will wipe every tear from their eyes.

Death will be no more;

mourning and crying and pain will be no more,

for the first things have passed away?

And the one who was seated on the throne said, See, I am making all things new.

Sermons Online-how you can help

Every once and there are weeks in which the inspiration for your regular sermon ÌÝôñ \ ... absent if you will. You may not feel well. Maybe you had a difficult week and personal issues weighing on your mind. Maybe you're just tired and your brain is not feeling up to the task of creating something from nothing. What do you do when this happens? How do you figure out what to say at the end of the week when everything in your head looks ... bad? Should pull out an old sermon and re-tweak this? Should you invite a guest speaker? Or should you look for sermons online?

Many pastors and ministers find that download sermons online can help shape things and I don't want to tell their own temples. Reading someone else's thoughts about a passage written by often helps to sort out your feelings about the same over simply on the basis of whether or not you agree with the first written by reader evaluation.

Some people look for information about how to write sermons online to make sure there are many online tools for sermon in writing by outlines step-by-step guides to the most desperate among you, fill in the empty lectures that can be reused to fit your Church Assembly.Some will treat forums and other online communities to ask for guidance in finding a weekly theme.

It is perfectly okay to look for inspiration for your sermons online. What is a huge world and richer than the World Wide Web; With all the information available electronically, it would be difficult not to acquire once and inspiration from the Internet! Heck, even taking five minutes to check your Facebook page can provide you with ideas for the next week to talk!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How can the Exegete to sermon text

Interpretation may be considered by the biblical text from different angles and different depths. Don't just read the text once, read multiple times. In addition, not simply look for the same things every time, you can search for different things to each reading. I have started thinking about how exegetical as one of the waves.

The first Wave-Home Introduction to your text
Here are introduced in the text. First you must pray for God's enlightenment. Then I read the text aloud. Not necessarily looking anything but God our word. This can be regarded as "Devotional" type of reading. However after reading this text, make sure everything that comes to mind-related text. Can you think about a hymn your grandmother used to sing. Note that if it is related. You might be thinking that a singing Gospel. You think may be of a television broadcast or a story.Can you think of other Biblical characters and ideas; a particular word may protrude. All these things it should be noted and recorded.

May be there are some things you don't understand, go ahead and make a note of them, it'll be parties to return to note all these things and try to be reduced to one-two pages. This process can become compact will help you understand the text.

The second Wave-Traveling in deeper text
Here we try to answer all the questions we can answer from the Bible without referring to commentaries, dictionaries and other folks to be lectured. Want to look at but references. For this I would suggest that the Ministry of Finance of Scriptural knowledge. Look up important aspects of the text in this book and find all references. This will help to round out your knowledge of the text, in particular by examining other texts.

I want to tell the story in text. What is the narration? What runs?What are the characters? What do the characters? what does God? These are some of the questions will prompt you during this phase. You also need to consider the use of energy in the text.Who has the power; how do we get the power? Benefit from the power?

In addition to examine the theology presented in the text. What has to say about God's story?What has to say about what is transcendent?What has to say about living in this world?

Finally, you want to make particular reference to HOW the author of the text tells the story of what words used?Why the author should use these types of words? What arguments are used? How they relate to us; during this phase you will use cross references and a number of Bible translations.The key is that we are only the Bible.

Then refine your analysis page one-two to include what I have discovered during this phase.

The third Wave-assistance etc.
You now want to see the issues that are still left and search them using Bible dictionaries and comments what others have said the story? matches your comments? Do you think that the commentary should improve the understanding or you can improve yours?

Another important source is priests for others. Find others who have preached about the issue and to skim it. You can often find valuable material such as illustrations and similar articles of such an act.

And then you can also use religious resources.Our friends the most certainly you will see what he has to say about John Wesley. Those of the reformed tradition will break open John Calvin can obtain information about the topic. Here you can see what others from your ecclesial heritage had to say on the matter.

Continue and enhance the interpretation again with what you have been discovered here.

The fourth Wave-Walking through the text
You are now ready for what I see as a very important stage that is often overlooked. Here you should take a ride with the text.You need to walk and to live in the text.If your sermon about the sermon on the mount, then you aren't ready to preach this until you have experienced the first, second and third wave, and then on foot of the text.You should consider during the mount.How does this look?If you don't know then pull a book geography and the dictionary Paper again and see how's the weather like?You may not know, but you might get some form of vision a good Bible Dictionary. what kind of foliage is around you?What is the temperature?

How many were there listening?Where your meeting?How Jesus audio voice? there are other competing sounds? What you smell? there are animals near by?

And finally, ask yourself these questions emotions into characters. What emotion has Jesus? How he shows what? what's happening with listeners? there are some smiling and other frowning? What does stir your emotions this?

Can't answer all these questions, but you can answer many of them; And in response to these types of questions will help really around the text, and also helping others experience the text.

Might have wondered "what difference does this stuff?"This is a good question. Let me say that I preached a sermon once enriched by my knowledge of the extent of desert that Jesus was "driven" by the Holy Ghost; The terrain was to downward. talk on how Jesus was driven in a territory that was to be downwards to a dead sea? can help someone who feels like were shipped within a desert by God, but not limited to, a desert, but one is down?

After doing this improve the analysis again, and you are now ready to begin building your sermon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A sermon in shoes?

The statements people do sometimes change with major ways; but this change cannot be seen with the naked eye all at once. Like a rock has rough edges polished away like water facilitates supervision hours upon hours in a stream bed, so we are conformed by guiding propelled that echo in the us. There is the small voice that seems to distance back and forth, sometimes as the Holy Ghost of God woos us throughout our daily circumstance.

All we had this happen from time to time. You know ... I overhear someone talking and there is a word or two that seem to jar you as someone who is rolling around in an earthquake. Or, simply by reading God's Word, you may read a verse which may seem like the letters is the size of the cars on a railroad. You are affected by this words.Years ago, as a young preacher, I had an experience like this when I was graced by a phrase that has never left me. If I was not always a poster boy for, however the cliche ', "a sermon in footwear" has impacted me like nothing else.

(Titus 2: 7-8)"In all things shewing let a good pattern works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, frankness, speech Sound, which can be ordered, that he that is the opposite part may be ashamed, having no bad thing to say of you." (KJV)

Recently, when the daily me in, I came across Titus chapter two and I was impressed by what the Apostle Paul said Titus to while on the Mediterranean island of Crete. As Titus was to organize Godly leadership at various levels, he said, and he himself was to conduct its affairs in a certain way.The phrase used is that of "in all things shewing let's a pattern of good works ..." This verse reminds me of the phrase "a sermon in shoes". I believe this carries more weight than the usual, all far, word "TESTIMONY". Although similar, the word "PATTERN" gives an idea of actual evidence which cannot handle.

Each leader of his people, whatever the venue, you must have a "PATTERN" of moral behaviour. so many companies have abandoned this philosophy! Politicians tend to adopt ethical situation concerning the "TESTIMONY".Despite this growing gap, every child of God should try to have a "PATTERN" good works or deeds flying preeminently the honour and glory to Jesus Christ. Yes, must be "a sermon in footwear"!

If for no other reason, we will generally have to have a good testimony, radiate a pattern a good ethical lifestyle, and is a sermon in footwear due to the next generation.The history books are rewritten to mitigate the sentence idealist, sacred and God honoring pattern of living our forefathers did.This is to increase the worst modern personalities so that young people will not know the difference between the two.

(Isaiah 5: 20)."Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness. What is bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"(KJV)

There is a stark contrast to godly men of the past and modern day flunkies who is prompted to our children.

Bottom line, you must decide on an individual basis, born again, God fearing people focus around our door with the help of God, we should clean our lives, and live for the Lord Jesus as we do, our "SERMON shoes" talking about the same and, therefore, the effect is like a far reaching tsunami!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cowardice and vanity about "Works" are treated in the sermon on the mount

Let your light shine before others, that you may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven ... Be careful not to ' acts of righteousness ' in front of others, must be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your father in heaven.
~ Matthew 5: 16, 6: 1(TNIV).

To see or do not see?This is the question facing Jesus. our incentives directly. We can achieve only two things above with the right motivation.

We have a problem with praise and appreciation. It affects us. In "lonely" Finally, all kinds of personality disorders are beckoned. In "rich" Finally, the excesses of praise and strangely enough, let us more conceited blank (and spiritually blind in real need) than ever.How many of us can really enough praise? how often you're left scratching are possible;your head due to a lack of recognition for something you've made; for me it seems every day! (Even if small way "feel".)

John Stott notes that two seemingly contradictory lyrics Jesus above target two sins--cowardice to hide a good job and vanity (pride) to parade.

To see or not seen; this depends on the motivation. For at one end we're investing and don't want to attract our attention, just as a result of some sort of tall poppy syndrome. At the other end is our pride. receiving the kisses, the applause, the hunters in the labelling and in writing. If you do good things and to answer any of these ways have some things to ask of God--that can purify cowardice and vanity, vanquishing the vast spiritual imbalance of us poles, one day at a time, indefinitely.

One thing that we must all around with our separate ways how to cover for lost glory. Michael Eaton emphasises this in his book. We regain that sense of belonging by God himself--and yet this is a stern discipline that must work in. It is all about.Do not store your treasures in heaven.We take them from heaven. HEAVEN, in this context, it is now.HEAVEN is in our hearts.God our Ministers there!The remuneration is a spiritual reward momentary, unreserved well that is a priceless gift of grace.something that we cannot "WINS."

Good things to do, without the need to see, thanked or acknowledged, is the way to an inner freedom, peace and joy are rarely known personally for humanity still, we face and the direct opposite of jealousy when considering a Nelson Mandela Mohandas Gandhi or a or a Mother Teresa, and compare ourselves (unfairly, I might add). This is much more than we would have liked. we need even balance.

Our good works will be examined separately from our incentives should be considered or not; our Father in heaven sees to it that circumstances allow for people to see the good things we do when we fairly consistently. There is a requirement of "faith".

Besides, you probably the halcyon's gleeful human experience is maintained both in God that we are forever so comfortable with the ' secret life ', but we are totally at home with hybridization joy when father is glorified in projects, and we are pleased with our strong position in all this.

© Wickham j. s. 2010.

[1] John Stott, the message of the sermon on the Mount (the Bible speaks today) (Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press, 1978), pp. 126-27.
[2] Michael Eaton, The Way that leads to Life: The radical Challenge to the Church of the sermon on the Mount (Ross-shire, United Kingdom: Christian Focus publications, 1999), p. 109.

The lower mobility of Jesus (the sermon about 2 Corinthian 8: 9)

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I thought it was about time I began a sermon with a joke, and today's passage did make me think of that story about the world's leaders at prayer, asking God when their countries would repay their national debts.

As the story goes, President Obama prays to God, asking when the US economy will recover. God says to him, "in 100 years time the US will repay its national debt". The American President begins to cry, and God asks him "why are you crying, my son." President Obama says, "because I won't live to see it", and God says, "No, my son, but the American people will live to see it."

Simultaneously, as the story goes, President Mahmoud Admadinejad is also praying to God, asking when Iran will repay her national debt. God says to the Iranian President, "in 1000 years time the Iranian national debt will be repaid". President Admadinejad begins to cry, and God asks him "why are you crying, my son." He says, "because I won't live to see it", and God says, "No, my son, but the Iranian people will live to see it."

Meanwhile, Kevin Rudd is also praying, and he prays, "Lord, tell me when Australian will repay her national debt?" And God begins to cry...

As I say, I thought it was about time I started a sermon with a joke for, I must admit, that most Bible passages I prepare for week by week don't easily lend themselves to jokes, but not so today's passage, which is all about money, and there are never any shortage of jokes about money, for indeed our society is obsessed with money and we talk all the time about money, and so we joke all the time about money.

And for the same reason, I must confess that when I first hear these wonderful words from St Paul - that "Although [Jesus] was rich, for your sakes he became poor, so that you, through his poverty, might become rich" - my knee-jerk reaction is to want to say that Paul is surely talking about a lot more here than just money.

Admittedly, the statement is made in the context of St Paul's appeal to the church at Corinth that they might cough up more coin to support the aid work that was going on in Jerusalem, and yet the statement is about a lot more than just money

I'm not saying that that's not a part of what is on view - that Jesus gave up his real job as a respectable middle-class tradesman in order to wander the hills as a penniless preacher, but that's not all that is on view. For the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that makes us rich is something more than His change in career path. That, in itself, doesn't do a lot for us beyond setting us a great example.

The voluntary poverty of Jesus that makes us rich is something more than economic. It's a voluntary impoverishment of person, whereby God reaches down to us and comes down to us and dwells alongside side us, and suffers and dies for us in order to lift us up to something better.

It's a pattern of downward mobility, where the Lord Jesus empties Himself for us so that we might be filled, and it's a downwards mobility that was illustrated for us beautifully in today's Gospel reading.

Our Gospel reading from Mark chapter 5 was the story of two 'healings' (of sorts) - the healing of the woman suffering from a hemorrhage and the raising of Jairus' daughter from death, which is a rather extreme form of healing!

It starts out as a story about one healing - that of the little girl - but then the older woman intrudes into the narrative, touching Jesus' cloak as He presses His way through the crowd towards Jairus' house.

It's a bizarre scene, in case you're not familiar with it, as Jesus has a large crowd moving with him as He tries to get to the house of Jairus, and he's being constantly jostled by those around Him, and so the disciples find it somewhat absurd when Jesus suddenly stops and asks out loud, "who touched me"?

I envisage it something like one of those scenes of a pop star trying to get through a crowd of fans, or the newly elected President trying to get to the podium through a crowd of supporters, with everyone having their arms outstretched towards him, hoping to shake his hand or at least touch his clothing.

It seems ridiculous that in such a context Jesus could stop and ask, "who touched me?", but, of course, some touches are more significant than others, and this touch evidently makes contact with something deep in Jesus that actually draws something out of Him! And so when He asks the question, this woman knows exactly who He is talking to, and she comes forward trembling, only to find that Jesus isn't wanting to rebuker her, but only to make real contact with her.

This woman, as I say, intrudes her way into the greater story of Jairus' daughter, with whom we might think she otherwise has nothing in common. And yet they are both females, which in itself is instructive when we consider who Jesus structured His time around. And the period of 12 years is significant to them both.

The little girl, we are told, was twelve years old, while the woman had been suffering from her gynecological disorder for 12 years, and while twelve years might not be long to be alive, it's an awfully long time to be suffering from a seemingly incurable disease! And they're both unclean of course (in the religious sense) - that's the other thing these two have in common.

Dead bodies were always unclean by definition. You couldn't touch a dead body without being unclean for seven days (according to Numbers chapter 19), which is presumably why the crowd around Jairus' house tell Jesus not to go into the house, as they don't want to see Jesus excluded from the community for a week.

Of course what the crowd probably didn't realise was that Jesus was already technically unclean by this stage, as he'd just had physical contact with the woman who couldn't stop bleeding, which mean that both she and Jesus were already in the 'untouchable' class.

In case you're not familiar with what uncleanness is all about, in a practical sense it meant that you couldn't go to church, you couldn't go shopping alongside everybody else, you couldn't mix with your community as a normal person.

The woman, as we know, had been isolated from her community in this way for 12 years already, and Jesus, as a good God-fearing, law-abiding Jew should have voluntarily excluded Himself from the community (for seven days at least) and then put Himself through a series of rituals to be re-admitted to society, except that, of course, Jesus had scant regard for these traditional laws and seemed to be totally uninterested in who was clean and who was unclean.

Now we could continue here to discuss the minutiae of these healings but the big picture is that what we have here is Jesus coming down to our level - dealing with people whom society considers insignificant.

These were not 'important' people, from a worldly point of view. In neither case do we even know their names. We know Jairus' name because he was an important person, but his daughter will forever only be known as 'Jairus' daughter'.

Likewise this woman, who emerges anonymously out of the crowd, goes on to sink back into the crowd and so remains in obscurity. We don't know what happened to her, and there is no indication that she was particularly deserving of the healing or that Jesus saw potential in her, such that her healing might free her to accomplish some great work.

Jesus did not heal her so that she could go on and become the President of the United States. Jesus healed her, it seems, simply because He cared and because He was willing to come down and to stay down with the most ordinary and insignificant of people because this is the sort of person who Jesus is.

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Although he was rich, for your sakes he became poor, so that you, through his poverty, might become rich. "

And, as I say, this is not just about money, which is why it is so bizarre than when St Paul makes this great statement, what he is talking about is just about money!

In this excerpt from this letter of St Paul to the Corinthians, Paul is not talking about ministry to the less significant people of our world. He is not exhorting the congregation

Monday, October 25, 2010

Never copy another sermon-how do I create a sermon ideas

Your back is on the wall and you must create a sermon. What are you doing? You may be able to copy lectured off the net, but aren't better. Why not come with a unique and powerful sermons in a pinch? You can do with these five techniques. Follow these techniques and you'll get Sermon ideas galore.

Look at the text through a theme

Here you can a theme such as youth or mother or Seniors, or another topic, then look at the text explicitly to see if this text says specific situation under review.

Look at the text from different perspectives

Here you can change the perspective.For example, often written in the history of the Prodigal son and put in place of the son ourselves and put God as father and then we place other users as the brother I never left. what happens if we ourselves in a father; How changing the story? What happens if we try to assess what the brother who has never actually went and look at history from the point of view? This action may cause us to consider again the text and may help to see different things that you might not otherwise see.

Look at the text through a doctrine

This is an interesting approach is often when trying to teach doctrinal texts use the instructive portions writes rather than narrative. But what happens if we have a history with a particular doctrine in mind. What has to tell us about the doctrine of the story? What does the above mentioned Prodigal son story tell us about say the Trinity. Can you hit an impasse, but tries to find this link may help you make more related doctrines in the minds of the hearer.

Look at the text for images, sounds and smells.

Listen to the text and see what pictures to text.What you see?What you are listening to?What do you smell?How matching these things with other images in the Bible? What sites and odours are Prodigal son story? we are very conscious of the odours of the pig pen compared with odours home cooked meal.The difference in the smell alone might spark some sermonic content.What will, how to think about what to say what I saw about how Prodigal son back home; what was on the road from the pig pen at home?Without doubt, was the same way he is grouped.What has been changed so that now the same sights, sounds and smells that will lead away from home now leads the back home; here we have the most points for sermons from the sights, sounds and smells in the text.

Look at an old text Classic

Often excessive emphasis on the originality, but consider a joint text has already frequently preached over and over again; what does this text say to us today; there is no reason that many of these texts are common.

There you have it 3.5 top techniques for sermon idea generation if they follow you'll get more then Sermon ideas than you have time to preach.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Three of the best sermon preparation tips

In several previous articles by some of the best tips you have included sermon preparation using a variety of modern instruments in particular the most out of your computer with preaching, presentations. The focus of this article are bolts and nuts of your sermon outline. Giving to start with a transition of writes, says a real story and keeping the sermon concise. You will gleam some extra tips that greatly help to provide the best sermon held your Church Assembly aside their positions and, in particular, awake!

It is crucial to begin by outlining your Church sermon before taking any further steps. This will ensure you are adequately prepared, feel confident and sermon run much smoother.An easy way to do this is to use the bullet points that can be easily thabetai your memory and to develop outside with real life examples. these bullets, smart sandwiched in between a good introduction and the conclusion summarizes your sermon make for a well structured and organized sermon, the perfect sermon type, right?

Another great tip is to talk to yourself. Yes you heard correctly, if Read aloud via your sermon will find words and phrases that don't quite fit together right.Paragraphs which are not linked to even out Something strange happens enough. When you read what you write without any user intervention and was staying with those never ending paragraphs and outside the frame comparisons-a mistake to avoid! The best I have lectured at doing was possible previously practices.

Finally, if you can spare the time, memorize your sermon bonuses are a church sermon for 5 or 500 people.You've come to learn that most speakers, TV and radio presenters speak almost always from a well rehearsed script; even the best stage and film actors do.When; Simple, knowing what you are going to say lets you focus on other key skills for providing you with the best sermon

Eye contact, enthusiasm, building rapport with the Church Assembly and showing them that you meant every word of your standing now at the Pulpit, don't see someone looking at the notes, see you and your face beaming with important life change messages.

There you have it, three very simple and can be used techniques you can use to convert a modest sermon on one of the best your sermons. make a good sermon outline, read out loud to yourself and try to memorize this so you can make recurring eye contact with the crowd. those are the three best tips sermon I know of and so easily be overlooked due to its simplicity.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The lawyer Devils

Matthew 22: 35-22: 46 The Devils advocate, sanctity of marriage God declares that it is a marriage between man and woman, but Satan has gotten a lawyer to fight against the corner. See what God has to say.

Where can we find any in Scripture that God allowed man to marry a man or woman to marry a woman? God said that the Union between couples sex was an abomination, and he will find place in the Lake of fire, even men who possess the characteristics of a woman will not come into Gates of heaven.The thing that allow this world is not a Alternatively life stile, but an abdominal sin. The beginning of the race to Armagedwna.
Alternate lifestyle phrase developed by Satan to assist those who will not obey Gods law of marriage and the Union between man and woman; we have the system Court in Massachutes and ACLU, fighting for the rights of men and women for sin. According to Jesus, these things would happen days end, "as it was in the days of Noah, so will be the second coming of the son of man, marrying and giving in marriage ..."

Lawyers in Jesus times you tried also to him and tempting, writes that are used in this sermon from Matthew 22, 35-46, Hebrews 13, 4, and 7 Luke; 30-35. why we as Christians must tolerate sin, we don't have to. If you do not inform others is what sin, then how can we know what we must avoid? Lawyer of Satan says, "Hey just tolerate them, it will be OK. None of them will link, nobody would think twice. ' Lies, lies, that's all you hear from Satan.Can you believe what is happening elsewhere, any institution in the city we will do this. you say that was a Christian community and a thing like that produced only in large cities. Won't be ripped off, this is happening in your own neighborhood. It is called by God or writing to be tolerant of sin, the exact opposite.

Yes want to stay out of the Affairs of other men, but to talk about Jesus and justice.We have a voice, we cry out to God for his kind words to speak and he will reply. What are the results of the same sex marriage? Desiese of mind and body. Devices, it is a sexual desiese slays, not just the fornicators themselves, but pose a risk to health workers who try to treat them, also the risk of anyone who comes into contact with blood. And what about the spread of homo-sexuality, if married, which is merely a loose term, the next thing you want to be able to adopt children to raise, in their life style, that transmits the Sin in subsequent generations.

There will be no end to it, and we Race to Armagedwna as fast as our feet will carry us. Lawyer of Satan wants to be passive and tolerant this sin and then everyone else. "Give no location for the devil". This is written by a command from Jesus. The Church is a light in the world, but how can we shine forth if we seek away from sin that we so easily beset us?
Where are we going to do when it comes to hide, who is going to go too? Jesus. Satan has a lawyer, but we have an advocate, the Lord Jesus Christ, who speak directly with the God of heaven, the judge of all human. Protector, source and supply.Should be glorifying God.We should praise for the sins of this world will not be placed on our behalf was Jesus afraid to speak, was Jesus afraid what people would think of him, was that Jesus with passive or tolerant SIN?No, we shouldn't either, it is supposed to be Christ Like, on the image and likeness of the Almighty God.

With the spirit of him who gave his life for us; we Christians cannot de-nigh, the spirit of Christ, of who we are, we have passed from death to life, we have moved from sinners to Saints, we have translated from darkness into the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior.We have moved from filthy Rags righteousness that we had become accustomed too, white clothing of the gods of justice.Where we can now between in the Kingdom of heaven.

I think you've heard the sermon, The Devils Bishop, and The willing it will give me the next sermon for the Devils in training; why you want to bring them, because God developed Government and society, and as God has governmental system, we must understand the system that also created Satan. Jesus talked about this the Pharisees and Sadducees, ". .. .and if Satan votes from Satan, then how could the Kingdom stand, no home shall be distributed among themselves can not stand ..."

You need to know these things, we must be informed, you've got to know so you can stand firm on the day of the trial, when the lawyer devils take the floor. 1Ti 5: 20 their SIN rebuke them first of all, that others may fear. ROM 3: 17 there is no fear of God before their eyes. 1Th 5: 14 now we exhort you, brothers, warns their unruly, comfort of feebleminded, support the weak, please be patient with all men.

The sermon on the wedding

What do you think will happen with the Association of man and woman if couples have committed themselves conscientiously follow the characteristics of the sermon on the mount? I think there will be less divorce about you? Also, of course there would be happier children in the household, we are there?

Below I have done a guide confirmation one week for wedding using the "sermon on the mount; try it for a week, and if all goes well, try it for another week, etc.

Copy/paste/print this weekly wedding guide--follow for three weeks and see how you feel about yourself and their spouses.If you feel like email my results, I would love to hear from you.

1.) Today on Monday, I'll not acting proud with my husband. I humble myself, even if I think I am right.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for it is the Kingdom of heaven
Matthew 5: 3

2.) Today, Tuesday, I'll just ask my husband, not himself. The whole day we frankly gentle and kindness to my wife Would make only. those things that will provide and polite to my wife/husband.

Blessed are the meek shall inherit the Earth. Matthew 5: 5

3.) Now on Wednesday, I will give my husband/wife wishes. what request, within reason will not be denied.Will not be selfish.

4.) Today on Thursday, I'll find one or more biblical ways to improve my marriage.What would God want to make my marriage today? how do I make my wife/husband feel good about who he is?How can I get the happy?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, because it will be filled in.Matthew 5: 6

5.) Today on Friday, I'll forgive my wife/husband injury to my heart.I ask God to get rid of my heart and mind negative emotions and resentment towards my husband would forgive. Really.

Blessed be beneficial because it will show mercy; Matthew 5: 7

6.) Today on Saturday, I admit my inability to my spouse and the most important God. Today I ask God to grant forgiveness and free me from the temptation to sin.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they see God Matthew 5: 8

7.) Today on Sunday, I'll be a peacemaker. I will not go or to fight with my wife/husband. Today I can find one or more ways in which I can bring contentment and peace in my marriage.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they called sons of God; Matthew 5: 9

I have just finished an interview with radio network world talk where I discuss spiritual awareness for marriage; if you have some time today, surf in there and listen to what I have to say about marriage.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Worship in Christian Life

Since in my life, I was told that it is obliged to go to church on Sunday. This is not to be missed. During that day, the Church will hold a mass where priest, preach many sermons in humans. Perform various services, under the leadership of pastors with christian songs all worshiping moments. This is what I learned about how to worship the Lord. But apart from going to the Church, have been taught to learn how to worship God within ourselves. Obliged to read the Bible, pray daily always believe in the Word of Jesus Christ.

Worshiping in a Christian life is quite vague. Even in the New Testament, there is no written events which should be in possession of all and worship. Pastors sermon nowadays not mentioned also in the New Testament.On the contrary, sermon sends the good news of Jesus for those who do not believe in him. There is no proven facts that should be the leaders of worshiping God.

What happened inside the Church is simply an activity to worship God. the sequence of the mass, the priest heard sermons, praying and offering. But did you notice that most of those who do these things weren't true believers?

Should be put in mind that if you truly believe in God, we should start within ourselves and not just a show Off at all. We must live our life according to God's will and obedience. We do everything from reading the Bible, sharing and giving offerings, listening more pronounced, but evaluate yourself.Are you religious to apply what you've heard? really must without any second thoughts?We cannot offer God real self if we don't obey the words.Worship God, to believe in Jesus Christ about not doing these things, but rather to him, walking in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Jesus did not teaches us to come together and worship him through listening to sermons, song of songs, listen to pastors preach but must come together and build unity between them will must reach to encourage each other to live life to its fullest and to develop good deeds; It is God we worship him by obeying him through every one of us.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to assign a Board sermon

In this article will give four cores of a Board of affective sermon. Preachers should pay attention to each one of these groups, if the call to action will be effective. Great preaching calls people to do something, the appeal is when you call to follow their lead when the sermon.

The first focus of action is to accept and follow the effects of the main point of the sermon.You have something in the sermon that requires a change in behavior and/or intellectual. at some point in your call needs to call everyone to accept this point I labored for constructing and presenting.

Suppose you preached a sermon with one main point was to "be not conformed but transformed."The first focus of your appeal will be for your people to walk in the direction of transformation which presented in the sermon. Go ahead and invite them to raise their hand or stand to show solidarity with the message.

The next focus of action is to call people to come and to accept Jesus Christ in their lives. There may be someone at the Synaxis reaching ever in Jesus and salvation. Regardless of where the sermon, you'll need to have some sort of angle depends on the saving power of God. You may have the calm, raise their hands or come to alter as congregational tradition.

Another focus is related to those who once were connected with Jesus but fell away. These people are invited to come back.This is a separate group from the previous one and efficient sermon appeals will ask specifically for this group to come.Follow back congregational tradition may come to alter, but you want to call these people back to Jesus

Finally, we have a focus on those who are in a saved state, but felt a call to a particular Assembly.This can be people who have moved into town and never joined your church, but also may be members of other churches who feel to your particular conference call of God .This is a "sticky" focus that some folks refer to as "stealing" sheep, but I would say that if Jesus lets you go into a church, you must go to church that regardless of what others may say. the focus this invite those people to join this particular Church.

Efficient sermon appeals require tackling a number of people in the Synaxis. be sure to consult the entire Assembly to accept the sermon, but also calls for those who wish to come to Jesus, or go back to Jesus. Finally, never forget to call those who feel the call to your particular Church.

How to write the perfect sermon

The title indicates that there is a such thing as a perfect sermon. I think the perfection is like beauty, i.e., in the eyes of the beholderen. You might be thinking that a sermon was perfect but half your collection of falling asleep. On the other hand you might think the sermon gave it that wasn't good and even members of your Assembly came and thanked me. Both the perfection is what we are looking for clearly. We will look at how you can write a sermon that inspires your Assembly. I will outline three steps when planning your sermon that will keep your Assembly interested.

Know your audience

It seems that such a simple examination but will be surprised by how many people forget. What is your conclusion? Where are they from? What are jointly?You know everything that divides?The sermon delivered at a Conference in a small town church will be different from that of an inner city church. pressures are different, yet the word of God but your audience will vary. Know your audience.

Find the passage from the Bible

Obviously most priests use the Bible as a guide? But this should relate to and back to your audience. This shows the direction, solving, stimulate thoughts, provides support and guidance. With the personal touch you are part of the Assembly sharing their joys that exist in times of sorrow and difficulties. I've heard said that can be very useful for a sermon humor.I am not saying don't use humor.However, use caution when it comes to using funny stories. remember what might be sweet for someone might be sour for someone else. Humor is always a matter of opinion, so be careful with this.You don't want to upset your parishioners.It may be something that happened to you can find great, funny, but face humor with respect and not to exaggerate.

Keep short

This cannot be emphasized enough. 15 minutes is large enough. If an Evangelist then you may need to talk for two hours and your skill level in public speaking should be developed, this is just a sermon in a local church with members of the community coming together to God praise; A wise Minister once said that if you can't get your point across in 10 minutes, then the point is, what will be lost.

There will be other tips in writing the perfect sermon but for now, keep in mind these points.
o you know your audience
o Use a passage from the Bible that will stimulate emotion.
o Maintenance small

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Power Of Servanthood-part 7

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When God wants a revival, He sends a man or a freed from out-funktioniert whom He can promote and give authority to rule. John the Baptist was an example of one such man sent out by God to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah-John 1: 6. You have to be someone that God can use to change the world. In Ephesians 5: 18, Paul prayed that we "may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height" of God's love which surpasses knowledge of men. If you love God, you will want to serve Him.Jesus loves it us and He serves us to the very end.

Servanthood has to do with love and it moves in 4 directions:

1. Depth

2. Height

3. Width

4. Length

1. Depth

The deeper you love God, the more you walk with God and the more you serve Him. You are created for God. Your talents and abilities are meant for Him, to do His will. Are you serving God right now to expand His kingdom and build His house? There is only one program that Jesus is doing-to grow the kingdom of God. I believe that if I build the house of God, God will build my house whether it is in business, church, Ministry, career, and etc. King David said in Psalm that a day in the house of God is like being with God for a thousand years.

2. Height

We are to serve the leaders God placed above us. Elisha was known as a pourer and washer of his master's hands (2 Kings 3: 11). The people were looking for a new prophet after the death of Elijah. In the ancient times, the people eat with their hands. Before they eat, the servant will come and pour water on their hands before eating. Elijah must be a wealthy man for he has a servant who served him. Elisha was not ashamed to be a servant. He qualified himself twice more powerful than Elijah because of his servant heart.

Moses served as another example for us to follow. Moses and the Israelites have to battle against their enemies in one of the battles. Moses was an old man when he had to lead the people of Egypt. During one of the battles, he has to lift up his hands and pray while the battle was ongoing.When he lifted up his hands, the Israelites would win and advance against their enemies. But when he dropped his hands, the Israelites would shake. Lifting up of hands means spiritual action and surrender in obedience to God and in worship. Moses understood this. With him were Aaron and Hur, who held up Moses ' hands when he was tired. But they were doing more than that. Aaron and Hur were praying alongside with Moses to support him. They supported Moses and prayed with him through until the victory was won. Are you praying for your leader?Are you standing beside your leader? Are you willing to take the bullet and die for your leader?

Moses has a personal assistant who stood by him all the time. That personal assistant is Joshua-Exodus 33: 11. While the Lord was speaking to Moses in the tent faced to faced, Joshua was patiently waiting outside. Joshua was characterized as a servant. He served his master while Moses was serving God. Joshua was outside waiting for Moses, praying and waiting for the anointing to flow over from Moses to him.When you pray with your pastor overnight as he is praying overnight, you are encouraging him. When you are hungry for the word of God and want to hear more from your pastor, you are encouraging him in his preaching. In all these, the congregation is serving the pastor.

Jesus was supporting John in his preaching too. John was in a ministry out in the wilderness, and honey locust eating for refreshments. Who wants to be in the desert like John? As John was preaching about the coming of the Messiah and telling the people to repent from their sins, Jesus was sit in front listening to John and waiting for the move of God. John's ministry was water baptism and repentance of sins. Jesus doesn't need to be baptized or to repent from any sins. But He was serving John by willing to let John baptized Him.Beloved, do not be critical of revival and other churches that you do not know. You can loose your cutting edge by being critical of other people.

We need a prophet in our life that can be our selling edge to maintain our cutting edge by guiding us in the truth. Be very careful when rebuking and supplies an elder in the church. God said not to rebuke the leaders that God has put in the church. It is not your job to criticize them unless you are doing as much as they are.God is watching and He will deal with the wrongs.In the Bible, it is the church's leaders who wrote the letters to straighten out the people and not the other way round. Authority flows from the top down. God is watching if you think no one is watching you when you criticize the church leader, ministry and any servant of God. We all live on borrowed authority. We get authority from whom God placed above us. Ultimately, the authority flows down from God above.

The kingdom of God is a kingdom of relationships. You can preach the same sermon and one person will be touched by the sermon while another will be criticizing away. What does it mean to serve under somebody? It means you do as you are told. When you do as you are told, it means you are under his covering. It does not mean that you go to a church pastor, listen to a sermon and you think you come under a covering. You are not under the church or the pastor's covering unless you do exactly as you are told by the church or the pastor.

3. Width

We are to serve one another-Matthew 20: 28. There are Christians who say "I am not here to serve you but to serve God".And there are others who say "I will submit to no one but only to God".This is huge ego. This is pride. This is rebellion. This is religious crap. Jesus said, "I come to serve, to help other people". Jesus can come and act likes a slob and demand His way around but He didn't. He is here to serve. The church is not perfect. But if Jesus can come to serve us, can we not serve one another?Christianity is not a religion, not a duty to attend church on Sunday. It is about a relationship, a relationship between God and you. Are you serving someone today? We serve a God who watch window the attitudes of our hearts. You can tell whether you are becoming a servant by how you act when people treat you like one as Gordon McDonald said. You are not bothered and still continue to serve God even if you are treated like a servant by others. This is the true heart of a servant who knows his true identity and does not rely on the praises of men.

4. Length

We are to serve the world.The world means all the non-believers.Daniel has the ability to serve in the King's palace, the very king who sent his people to exile-Daniel 1: 4.Joseph served Potiphar, the prison warden and the pharaoh.They are all ungodly people.St Francis of Assisi says "preach the gospel to the assembly constantly and if necessary use your mouth".Evangelism is about serving people, not selling or preaching the Gospel.We are not selling a product.Your willingness to serve even if the tasks are hard and demeaning, you will be first in the kingdom of God today.

Servanthood is not what you say but what you do.Do you do things well?Do you do your best?Are you faithful to pay back your loans and debts?Do you support your leader?God Watch window the attitudes of your heart.Let's serve God by being passionate to Him and serving people.This is true servanthood.

Else required Sermon ideas?

When driving or engaging in leads an Assembly, there may be times when it is difficult to come up with ideas, but there is this necessary nevertheless. Many people have turned to find Sermon ideas and the amount of information out there, it should be easy. What most people find is that most information is useless. Ultimately, you don't want to copy or to repeat another job, find a source that you can make your own, no work, is also in high demand and very smart.

Sermon ideas come from many places and have varying stories as their inspiration. This does not diminish or to reduce the amount of work and the length of time it takes to put together a sermon, and aware of how important this time. That is why people like you are looking for materials preaching too. Presentation is critical, and now expected part of speech, so it is important to include materials further in your search.If you are going to get help, get help with what you need., preferably from a trustworthy source.

One point, the best deal hands down, is a global sermon and here you will find ideas sermon (they are actually taking you too), and there are PowerPoint slides, articles, handouts and other supplementary materials, making it a cinch for you.These are easily customizable, since coming into Word or .rtf file, so that with a few minutes and a touch of effort, you can create a unique and personal sermon your collection is sure to love and remember.The best part is that the service is really accessible. With this economy, should be regarded as financial implications of all markets and World understands this sermon. Why I at least nothing less and nothing more about this topic?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Create your sermons collection Will Love-the third golden rules

So here you are gearing to write your first sermon. Writing an attractive lectures can be wracking if you've never done an attempt before nerve. Many first time authors don't know where to begin, what issues we need to talk, and what these passages of Scripture must refer to or quote from. How do you bring your sermon full circle, and tie to your listeners ' lives? It is still possible? Everyone interprets the writes differently, ultimately. If you are stressing that try how to Word things in your hearts and minds, these 3 rules for creating a sermon will give you a helping hand.

The most important thing in your checklist is the passage of Scripture that you want to use. This passage will form the basis of the topic will be preaching about.If you choose to quote a passage for dinner lately, you don't want to find yourself talking about the sermon on the mount. After you have selected your lyrics Bible, creating a sermon about them will be much easier, and you may find that the correct words start coming to you instead of you wracking your brain to find them.

You also need to connect your sermon with a personal experience right at the beginning. This will serve as a ' hook ' for your audience and will help you hold their attention. A funny story will work the best.Just get the Synaxis of laughter, which is much less likely to fall asleep; you will lose your audience if you drone on theology without making fun or relateable. Give your sermon a human element that can be linked with your parishioners.

Last of all, to give you a meaningful, but brief sermon.As a wise Minister once said, "If you can't get your point across in under 10 minutes, then it wasn't worth getting across in the first place."An easy way to keep yourself on the point is to make yourself a card fraud-a bulleted list of points that should cover your sermon.Keep the list a sparse, with only 3 or 4 points if you can assign 3 minutes talk time for each item, your priests must remain right around 10 minutes long.

Of course, there are many more methods to improve a sermon, but these should be discussed in future articles. for now, if only we follow the three simple rules I've stated above-select a transition of writes, start with a personal story and ends the sermon within 10 minutes-you will meet with sermon clapping instead of snoring.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hell-"And others save with Fear"

Hell. "And others save with fear. "Hell and below.

Jude 1: 23 and others save with fear, pulling them off fire. hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

The season is almost over for forgiveness, it is almost met the times of the gentiles, the reign of the non-Jew is almost complete.The feeling of the fall of Israel, the gentiles have ruled this world in its own way, rendering, laws and decisions in accordance with their limited knowledge of God and his word. Placed after their understanding. At the time of the gentiles was an era of wars and rumors of wars, an era of desiese and unholyness, one hour of changeing the truth of gods Word into a lie, a misunderstanding, once supplied it with false religions and doctrine, and all in the name of freedom of religion.

If you've noticed, in the hours after the Bible was written, very few have heard of Israel and its people, untill the reistablishment of Jewish people. Now each when you enable, Israel was at the Centre. What makes it next to the gentiles? Decision after their death. For death expect, the inevitable and overwhelming.By believing in God and Christ is an individual matter, but just by believing in God is not enough for salvation. Paul stated that; he held the doctrine that we are justified by faith. James believest in that there is a God-2: 19 Thou doest well: the devils also believe and tremor.

Nobody forces you to think, nobody forces you to worship, but keep in mind that one God to forgive the forces. Isaiah, Daniel, and many others in writes, believed in hell. Many believed in hell, who do not believe in God.In writes, hell, is symbolized as a Pit. Half 14: 15-22 ?Alla thou shalt be brought down to hell (region Inferno, a pit cemented throughout, or region, perdition) to the sides of the pit (Cave, Integer). Those who watch them closely (in a narrow way, do not allow for exceptions.) appear, and consider them, saying, "is this the man who made the Earth tremble, that did shake kingdoms, which took place in the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; opened not the House of detainees? "

Speech in hell is documented by writes, shows the feelings of pain, suffering, sorrow and allusion dis-ment. all Kings of the Nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own home but thou art cast out of the grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those who are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land and slain thy people: seed of evildoers will coach ever.Preparation for the ritual slaughter of children (Armageddon) (The un-believers, lost) for the injustice of their fathers. that they do not rise, nor possess the land fill the face of the world with cities. (This statement shows that the earth should be restored and inhabited by others who will be forced to worship God true.)

(Zec 14: 17, and must be, that whoso will not come all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.) Will I rise against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the Lord.(Will die of all men, no one should be spared, there shall be wailing, and gnashing of teeth greaving, the Lord is triumphant over all.) Half 13: 11 and I will punish the world for evil, and the wicked for unjust. and will cause the arrogance (offensive, arrogance, pride, domineering, snobbish.) of the proud to stop, and will lay low the arrogance of the terrible.Half 13: 8 And must have no fear: pangs and pain take hold.they are the ones with pain as a woman is surprised that travaileth: one to another; should be treated as flames.

Eze 33: 23 whose graves have been set up on the sides of the pit, and the company are round about the grave: all destroy, fell by the sword, which caused terror in the Earth's life.Half 38: 18 for the grave cannot praise them, cannot celebrate these death: those who go pit cannot hope for the truth. Luk 16: 23 And hell lift himself up to the eyes, the suffering, and which seeth Abraham far off and Lazarus in gulfs of Luke 16: 24 and he Cried and said, Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus, it can dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am distressed this flame .job. 10: 21-22; ISA. 14: 12.

The following circumstances connected than this parable:

1. Is "away" from the abodes of the righteous. Lazarus was seen "far Off". (The distance between Heavan and hell is gained from these channels.)

2. it is a place of torment. (Hell is a country with physics, hell is not a spiritual meaning, but a reality).

3. There is a large gap between hell and heaven, Luke 16: 26. (A gap is a un-bridgeable inequality, (gap, a failure of understanding) (durable medium, unmovable, unchangable)

4. misfortune is great. Represented by "torture" in flame, Luke 16: 24.(We can state in accordance with written, Flames without light, heat and extremely extream without adding light, IE., Jude 1: 6 and the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

5. There will be no escape from this, Luke 16: 26.IE., Psalm 50: 22 now it, you forget God, not torn to pieces, and there is none to deliver.Barnes says about Hell? (quote), the word "hell" here means, therefore, that place dark, obscure and sad, away from the sky, where the wicked shall be punished for ever.He lifted up his eyes-phrase to share among the Hebrews, meaning "he looked," Gen. 13: 10-Gen 1.18: 2; Gen. 31: 10;Deu. 8: 3;Luke 6: 20.It's annoying; the word "torture" means "pain, anguish" Mat. 4: 24;especially the pain caused by the ancients to induce people to make confession of their crimes.These "suffering" or torture was geneticallymodified maize that they could give rise, as the scourging, rack, or or combustion.and the use of the word here indicates that the sufferings of the wicked can be represented only the extremest forms of human suffering.Is more, perhaps, than we are allowed to conclude that the wicked will "See" incumbents in paradise.

That they will "know" that is there is certain; but we do not want to assume that it will be so directly together to see, or to enable conversation. these circumstances mean that there will be "split" and that the wicked in hell would be aware that the righteous, even though the land was poor or despised, will be in HEAVEN and hell heaven. will be away from each other, and will be a small part of the suffering of those who are far and forever, removed from each other.(Unquote.)

REF.;The suffering Mat. 13: 42, Mat. 13: 50, Mat. 22: 12; Mat. 22: 13, Mat. 24: 51, Mat 1.25: 30, Luk. 13: 28; 2Pe. 2: 4.2: 17 2Pe, Jud. 1: 13. no Escape from hell, Luk. 12: 59, Psa. 50: 22; Mat. 25: 46; Joh. 3: 36; 2Th. 1: 9; Rev. 20: 12, Rev 22: 11