Matthew 22: 35-22: 46 The Devils advocate, sanctity of marriage God declares that it is a marriage between man and woman, but Satan has gotten a lawyer to fight against the corner. See what God has to say.
Where can we find any in Scripture that God allowed man to marry a man or woman to marry a woman? God said that the Union between couples sex was an abomination, and he will find place in the Lake of fire, even men who possess the characteristics of a woman will not come into Gates of heaven.The thing that allow this world is not a Alternatively life stile, but an abdominal sin. The beginning of the race to Armagedwna.
Alternate lifestyle phrase developed by Satan to assist those who will not obey Gods law of marriage and the Union between man and woman; we have the system Court in Massachutes and ACLU, fighting for the rights of men and women for sin. According to Jesus, these things would happen days end, "as it was in the days of Noah, so will be the second coming of the son of man, marrying and giving in marriage ..."
Lawyers in Jesus times you tried also to him and tempting, writes that are used in this sermon from Matthew 22, 35-46, Hebrews 13, 4, and 7 Luke; 30-35. why we as Christians must tolerate sin, we don't have to. If you do not inform others is what sin, then how can we know what we must avoid? Lawyer of Satan says, "Hey just tolerate them, it will be OK. None of them will link, nobody would think twice. ' Lies, lies, that's all you hear from Satan.Can you believe what is happening elsewhere, any institution in the city we will do this. you say that was a Christian community and a thing like that produced only in large cities. Won't be ripped off, this is happening in your own neighborhood. It is called by God or writing to be tolerant of sin, the exact opposite.
Yes want to stay out of the Affairs of other men, but to talk about Jesus and justice.We have a voice, we cry out to God for his kind words to speak and he will reply. What are the results of the same sex marriage? Desiese of mind and body. Devices, it is a sexual desiese slays, not just the fornicators themselves, but pose a risk to health workers who try to treat them, also the risk of anyone who comes into contact with blood. And what about the spread of homo-sexuality, if married, which is merely a loose term, the next thing you want to be able to adopt children to raise, in their life style, that transmits the Sin in subsequent generations.
There will be no end to it, and we Race to Armagedwna as fast as our feet will carry us. Lawyer of Satan wants to be passive and tolerant this sin and then everyone else. "Give no location for the devil". This is written by a command from Jesus. The Church is a light in the world, but how can we shine forth if we seek away from sin that we so easily beset us?
Where are we going to do when it comes to hide, who is going to go too? Jesus. Satan has a lawyer, but we have an advocate, the Lord Jesus Christ, who speak directly with the God of heaven, the judge of all human. Protector, source and supply.Should be glorifying God.We should praise for the sins of this world will not be placed on our behalf was Jesus afraid to speak, was Jesus afraid what people would think of him, was that Jesus with passive or tolerant SIN?No, we shouldn't either, it is supposed to be Christ Like, on the image and likeness of the Almighty God.
With the spirit of him who gave his life for us; we Christians cannot de-nigh, the spirit of Christ, of who we are, we have passed from death to life, we have moved from sinners to Saints, we have translated from darkness into the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior.We have moved from filthy Rags righteousness that we had become accustomed too, white clothing of the gods of justice.Where we can now between in the Kingdom of heaven.
I think you've heard the sermon, The Devils Bishop, and The willing it will give me the next sermon for the Devils in training; why you want to bring them, because God developed Government and society, and as God has governmental system, we must understand the system that also created Satan. Jesus talked about this the Pharisees and Sadducees, ". .. .and if Satan votes from Satan, then how could the Kingdom stand, no home shall be distributed among themselves can not stand ..."
You need to know these things, we must be informed, you've got to know so you can stand firm on the day of the trial, when the lawyer devils take the floor. 1Ti 5: 20 their SIN rebuke them first of all, that others may fear. ROM 3: 17 there is no fear of God before their eyes. 1Th 5: 14 now we exhort you, brothers, warns their unruly, comfort of feebleminded, support the weak, please be patient with all men.
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