Sunday, October 31, 2010

Methods for sermon without notes

How do? We have all seen the Ministers sermon without notes. Seem to indicate an action and trust. But the question many preacher of ask is how do?

There are many ways to the sermon without minimum reference notes. among these are:

  1. Write a complete manuscript and memorize this

Here preacher should totally write the sermon normally and then try to memorize the whole thing; this approach allows the preacher to specify full words to be used with the sermon, but allows a slide to go to reality with the flow of the event.  The main disadvantage is that it requires much more memory and a Herald of longer than they have to undertake a complete manuscript for memory. 

  2. Write an outline of some kind and memorize it.

  Here you must write the Herald of a structure and to memorize the border.The benefits include the ability to fully engage your audience and provides greater flexibility than the previous approach also requires much less time memorization from memorizing complete manuscript.  A major drawback is that this approach makes it impossible for well-designed phrases.Preacher memorizes what he will say how he would not say that.

3. Write parts of the sermon and memorize them.Outline of the other parties.

Some write import and memorize and/or this conclusion.Here you can you can totally phrase important parts of the sermon. you can get benefit of crafting fully portions of the sermon, but you can also maintain the ability to interact with the Assembly.

4. Memorize anything

Some people think that this is what everyone who preaches without notes. There are some who do this, but there are some significant disadvantages, a preacher is that can easily go rambling without moving to a point. While it is true that often preacher who follows this approach has one main point in mind, it is very easy to end up with a sermon that aren't sharp. However allows greater interaction with the Assembly.

These are the basic approaches. Choose an approach and then simply practice until you can obtain facility with the approach.

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