Saturday, October 16, 2010

How to practice sermon-lessons from Trumpet playing

I have private lessons on Trumpet for a few years ago while growing up. I remember that I had to practice playing the Trumpet between 30 minutes and 1 hour daily. Then sometimes I would like to add another 30 minutes time composition. How did you pass these 30 minutes?

Fundamentals of music

Well my practice the rudiments of music such as scales and arpeggios (chords). I also spent some time in improvisation. Moreover, I spent time playing exercises. These exercises slowly get harder as I mastered them.Then there was a GameTime songs once I had for a few exercises for breath also improving breath control and power. All these things have helped to make me a better player trumpet and a better musician.

The other day I realized that I spent much more time for practice of Trumpet from inculcated sermon.It is true that I spend some time preparing sermon, but then it is most comparable over time my composition from my schedule.One might ask whether this practice is essential and that one should depend on the spirit of such things would I tend to disagree because my practice even when I was playing in the Church to the glory of God; I practice even when I don't have a program to play. I just practice.

Improving the presentation sermon by practicing

I started thinking about how to improve my presentation sermonic if I tried to "practice" my sermon just as I practice my Trumpet. I must say that often practice my sermon on any particular sermon my practical training, but more than simply Trumpet included the piece of music that I play. Contained the fundamentals and other elements of musicianship. As a result of this first had to think about how such a practice would look like session.

First we need some rudiments of sermon. Here we may practice the presentation theological concepts and book excerpts. For example, in the Church America African concept of "God's Goodness" often referred to as "God is good all the time and all God Time Is Good!" "Work experience" this presentation would include work experience concept sermon in different ways.Consider the sermon of the concept in a State funeral.How do I display what texts I Now consider sermon? concept at a commemoration 9-11. Is it possible? We can do this? Should we do?Certainly the show would have been different.

Scales the sermon

In addition to these basic concepts theological (Henry Mitchell's Soul theology provides 10 for the Church of American) should also memorize scripts.Why not consider fundamental texts that make sense for your community.In the Bible Original African America there are 101 texts that are important to African Americans.These texts could be a good starting point to have memorized and they are ready. These are the key elements of the sermon on the African American Community.

Improvisation and sermon

About improvisation.Take the basics and improvisation.Evans Crawford talks about riffing on Trombones by James Weldon Johnson book God. Why does not start with one of them and then get it in a different direction, then about how having a text and it takes you to a different direction. preach the text and then preach a sermon.

Playing songs and exercises in sermon

The equivalent of playing songs will read sermons and "preach."One can practice lectured by others and your own sermons. Follow the text closely in practice and then improvise over the text.

Such exercises should work on putting together a list of things to try to assist the preacher become more expressive with Pulpit. a good start would be the Jazz sermon by Kirk Byron Jones. This paper provides exercises to help the preacher connect to the underlying fantasy and improvisation.

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